Thursday, March 8, 2012

Baby Brew #3!!!

So after a very difficult December (I kept having pregnancy symptoms but tests kept showing negative, and in general the roughness of the holidays) I decided to give 2011 one last chance to redeem itself and took a pregnancy test on the 31st.... Positive!!!!

I was in such disbelief that I rushed over to the fire department to tell Andrew in person. Unfortunately since it was a holiday weekend, I couldn't call the doctor until the 3rd. I talked to the nurse a bunch on the 3rd and she said basically all they could do early was do a blood test like that day and have me come in 2 days later to show my HCG levels rising... That would have been all well and good except we were leaving for Hawaii on the 5th so I couldn't get the retest. So we went to Hawaii and had a great time, except for the morning sickness that I had twice.

The day after we got back we saw the doctor and he ordered an ultrasound to date the pregnancy as we had no idea when I got pregnant. A week later we had the ultrasound and saw that everything looked good, a heart rate of 158. A week after that we went back to the doctor and he said it was too early to hear a heartbeat but everything seemed good again...

Had another doctor appointment on the 29th and all seemed well :) good heart rate of 159 and he pointed out when the baby moved (the doppler made a static-y noise).

So the due date is September 09 but since I'll have to have another c-section, baby will probably be born on September 03. Here's hoping all is well/goes well between now and then!!

1 comment:

  1. Liz I am over joyed to hear about you being pregnant. So so happy for you. We will be praying for a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby.. Love you! keep us updated how things are going. You and Andrew are going to make amazing parents!!
