Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nothing New...

Nothing really new to report, I just felt like I needed to update it a little :)  I'm anxiously counting down until the first appointment...  Who knew that 4 weeks could drag on so slowly???  I really just want to find out how far along I really am and maybe hear a heartbeat (not really sure if I'll get to, but it would put my mind at ease about anything bad happening for sure).  Oh well, patience is a virtue, I'm told :)  Anyhow, can't really complain about the pregnancy thing so far, just sleepy and hungry! 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day One... For us at least

Today was 'the day'...  well, techincally yesterday was...  but Baby Brew was only a very faint line so this morning was the 'no doubt' day...
I woke up at 4am-ish but convinced myself to go back to sleep so the test would be better...  then I woke up at 6 something since Andrew had left the bedroom alarm set...  I finally realized what it was so I turned it off and ran to the bathroom to take the test....  3 minutes after watching the stupid little hour glass flash, the test said 'pregnant'!
Andrew had fallen asleep on the couch so I ran in there, turned on the lights and jumped on top of him, waving the test around yelling 'I'm pregnant!"...  all I got at that point was a 'I'm Andrew'...  after he woke up a little more, he made fun of me for using the digital test instead of one with lines and the excitement and day full of phone calls began...