Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nothing New...

Nothing really new to report, I just felt like I needed to update it a little :)  I'm anxiously counting down until the first appointment...  Who knew that 4 weeks could drag on so slowly???  I really just want to find out how far along I really am and maybe hear a heartbeat (not really sure if I'll get to, but it would put my mind at ease about anything bad happening for sure).  Oh well, patience is a virtue, I'm told :)  Anyhow, can't really complain about the pregnancy thing so far, just sleepy and hungry! 


  1. You? Patient? Have you met yourself?

  2. I'll be honest - the beginning does go really slow. Once you hit the half way point it will probably go a lot faster from then on. Did for me.

    My first appointment with the OB was just with a nurse - I peed in a cup, she measured and weighed me, took my blood pressure and I think a couple viles of blood if I remember correctly, then sent me home with a bunch of info to look through and papers to sign. I didn't actually see a doctor or hear the heartbeat until my next appointment, which was around 12 weeks. (My first was at around 8.) Everywhere does it differently though - I know some people that get actual ultrasounds at like 8 and 12 weeks and stuff. (I'm currently fighting between my insurance company/ dr's office to pay for my ONE. Grrr.)

    Anyways. Don't stress. Even if you don't get to hear the heartbeat yet the hormone levels in your pee or blood or whatever they look at should tell them if Baby Brew seems to be on track. :)
