Saturday, May 5, 2012


Our 20 week ultrasound was done at a high risk office just to be on the safe side (and everything in the ultrasound was great) but the high risk doctor said that based on what he knew about Ben, it sounded like we may have a very rare condition that would in fact affect other pregnancies and we needed to be tested (Andrew and I). So we went in and had lots of blood drawn and overnighted to WI which was the closest place they do this testing. We got the results back yesterday that we do have this condition (the name is super weird, but the abbreviation is NAIT, you can find it on google, but there isn't much info due to it's rarity). At this point Emma hasn't been affected at all and she's fine. The treatment is mainly getting my immune system to stop 'attacking' her platelets. To do so I have to go in weekly for all day (8+ hours it sounds like) IVIG infusions until the end of the pregnancy (which may now end as early as 36 weeks). At 28 weeks I also have to start on prednisone until the end of the pregnancy. They're putting me on the highest does of each treatment for this condition since Ben was such a severe case. My care will be transferred to the high risk doctors and I will see them probably bi weekly and have to have at least monthly ultrasounds to check on little Emma. Prayers are very appreciated at this point!!!

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